Kaari's kitchen

Hey there!

Karibu to my blog. My name is Kaari Magara. Growing up as an only girl, I found myself in the kitchen a lot more often than I would have liked, seeing as I was your quintessential ‘tom boy’. As I got into my teenage years, we would visit an auntie of mine over the holidays and she was an awesome cook! It is here that I began learning that your ordinary ‘githeri’ can actually taste interesting! And that, cook books and recipes are not fairy tales about people that live on the other side of the rainbow. It could be done! Whatever ingredients they used ‘over there’ could be substituted by ingredients that we had around us, here in Kenya. At that young age, I was spellbound by these endless possibilities. 

It is this enchantment that I carry with me. I want to share every rainbow trip I make with you, because no trip will be the same. I love to try different recipes and adding my individual twist to it. And this is what makes my kitchen amazing!

Thank you for choosing to come into my kitchen. Brace yourself for an exciting, fabulous experience!


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